Hollandaise Sauce For Two

What you need

  • 1.5 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 egg yolks (eggs at room temperature)
  • 62g unsalted butter
  • Cold water
  • Salt
  • Cayenne
  • Lemon juice

How it’s done

Melt butter and set aside to cool

Whisk egg yolks and vinegar together until thickened and doubled in volume

Place over double boiler with barely simmering water (not boiling, just to the point of some steam escaping), continue to whisk until mixture thickens further and doubles in volume again.

Slowly add melted butter, whisking constantly. If mixture becomes too thick or starts to separate add small amounts of cold water until back to desired consistency

Remove from heat. Add salt, cayenne and lemon juice to taste

Whisk with a small amount of cold water immediately before serving to bring back to desired consistency