Spaghetti Carbonara

What you need

Per person quantities

  • 80-100g of pasta
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 30-45g pecorino and grana padano blend (2/3 pecorino and 1/3 grana padano)
  • 30g of guanciale
  • Pepper

How it’s done

Chop guanciale into pieces and add to cold fry pan. Cook slowly. Once guanciale is cooked, set the pan on an angle so the fat drips to one edge of the pan and the meat stays crispy

Boil water for the pasta

Add egg yolk(s) to large stainless steel bowl. Whisk egg, parmesan, and pepper together using boiling pasta as a double boiler. Whisk some of the guanciale fat into the egg emulsion

Cook pasta just short of being al dente. Add pasta to the emulsion and toss well to combine. Add pasta water if the mixture needs thinning