Brendan's Family Eggnog

What you need

Serves 30

  • 1 dozen eggs (separated)
  • 1 litre full cream milk
  • 1 litre thickened cream
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 litre bourbon
  • 1 cup dark rum

How it’s done

Prepare at least one week in advance to mellow. Ideally 3 weeks

Egg mixture #1

Beat 12 egg whites until stiff

Beat in 1/2 cup sugar and set aside

Egg mixture #2

Combine 12 egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, and salt in a separate bowl

Beat until very light

The Nog

Combine the two egg mixtures and stir until thoroughly blended

Add the cream, milk and bourbon and beat well

Add rum

Pour into a large glass jug with a lid (5+ litres) and store in a cool cellar. You can also use a big non reactive plastic container.

Shake or stir thoroughly before serving.

Ladle from a big punch bowl into small cups and sprinkle with nutmeg.